Busted! Don’t Believe These Clinical Research Myths!

Author : CRT Solution. | | Categories : Clinical Research Associate Training , Clinical Research Certification , Clinical Research Support Services

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Clinical research and trials help doctors and researchers find new ways to treat diseases. They can also offer patients a chance to try a potential treatment and help future patients diagnosed with the same disease. Because of the lack of information and awareness about clinical trials, there are a lot of misconceptions going around.

To help you steer clear of these misconceptions, CRTSolution has debunked three of the most widely believed myths about clinical research.

Myth 1: All clinical trials are harmful and dangerous
This cannot be said for ALL clinical trials that use drugs or devices. If we take the example of medication, when any medication is ready to be tested on humans, it has passed several phases of testing, such as in vitro (testing compounds on microscopic organisms) and in vivo (testing how animal organs react to a certain drug). Before medicines can be approved for use, they must undergo extensive clinical research to ensure they are safe and effective.

Myth 2: Once I sign-up for a clinical trial, I can’t change my mind
This is far from the truth. It is important to know that the subject has total control over their participation and can withdraw from (leave) a trial at any point, without giving a reason, and without any negative consequences to their medical care. Before and during the trial, you need to be very sure of what the possible complications are and be satisfied that you are not putting yourself at risk of serious harm. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, make sure to make it known to the researchers involved.

Myth 3: Giving consent to participate in a trial only happens when you sign a paper
This is not true. Consenting is an actual process that takes place at every stage of the trial. It starts from the very first notice, where the participant learns about the study and continues through the very last phase. This process must be documented at each phase. Anyone can refuse to continue participating at any stage if they ever feel uncomfortable.

If you’re looking to steer clear of these myths, reach out to CRTSolution. As the best company offering clinical research training and support services in Canada, we hope to assist researchers (study sites) by providing personalized, hands-on training designed to improve the rate at which newly hired staff becomes qualified and fit for clinical trial activities, thereby impacting the contribution of individuals to the overall success of clinical research studies in developing innovative and quality medical treatment.

We offer training that is geared toward individuals that are new or experienced in the field. We also provide consultation support and GCP certification. Training is delivered in person or virtually across Canada and in parts of North America.

For a complete list of our services, please click here. If you have any questions about CRTSolution, we’d love to hear from you, please contact us here.

